Ghana’s Presidency Delays Action on Controversial Anti-LGBTQ Legislation Pending Legal Review

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Ghana Anti-LGBTQ Legislation Delay

Legal Hurdles Postpone Presidential Assent to Anti-LGBTQ Bill

In Ghana, a notable postponement has emerged regarding the anti-LGBTQ legislation approved by the parliament in February. According to a document reviewed by Reuters, a high-ranking official from the presidency has stated that the bill should not be forwarded to President Nana Akufo-Addo for his endorsement until the resolution of two significant legal challenges currently facing the measure. This decision reflects the complex legal landscape surrounding the contentious bill.

Implications of the Legislation and International Concerns

The legislation in question proposes severe measures against LGBTQ individuals and those perceived to be advocating for sexual or gender minority rights within Ghana, a move that has sparked widespread international attention. If enacted, this bill would escalate the suppression of LGBTQ rights in the nation. Moreover, it harbors potential financial ramifications; the Ghanaian finance ministry has highlighted concerns that the legislation could endanger approximately $3.8 billion in World Bank funding intended for the country over the upcoming five to six years. This situation is particularly precarious as it may also jeopardize a significant $3 billion loan package from the International Monetary Fund, underscoring the broader economic stakes linked to the bill’s potential passage.

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