LGBT Groups Urge UN to Revoke British EHRC’s Status

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LGBT Groups Urge UN to Revoke British EHRC’s Status

Request for Revocation of the British Equality and Human Rights Commission’s Status by LGBT Organizations Call to Action at the UN A coalition of twenty LGBT rights organizations has formally requested the United Nations to revoke the independent body status granted to the British Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). This group has authored a 19-page document detailing the reasons for this request, primarily motivated by the EHRC’s stances on transgender rights.

Criticism of EHRC’s Positions

The organizations criticize the EHRC for its recent positions that deviate from its previous commitments, particularly concerning the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) reform in Scotland and the ban on conversion therapies in England and Wales. According to these groups, the actions of the EHRC “are not only a reversal of their previous policy but are also in blatant contradiction with international human rights standards.” They add that the current approach of the EHRC “aims to strip transgender individuals of legal protections and poses a serious threat to their ability to participate in daily life with dignity and respect.”

See also  Kenya LGBT Community Rights

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