Peru Ends Classification of Transgender Individuals as Mentally Ill
Government Announcement Amid Criticism
LIMA, Peru — In response to widespread criticism, Peru’s health ministry has announced that it will cease classifying transgender individuals and others as mentally ill. This decision comes after significant backlash and protests in the capital, Lima, against a controversial law.
Public Outcry and Protests
Last month, hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Lima demanding the repeal of a new regulation. This law had categorized transgender individuals, “cross-dressers,” and those with “gender identity disorders” as mentally ill, making them eligible for health services from both public and private providers. Critics condemned the law as discriminatory and unnecessary.
Arguments Against the Law
Opponents argued that the update to the country’s PEAS health regulations was redundant. They pointed out that existing regulations already ensured universal access to mental health services, rendering the new classifications superfluous.
Shift in Terminology
In a statement released on Tuesday, the health ministry declared it would discontinue referring to transgender individuals as suffering from any disorder. Instead, the term “gender discordance” will be used for mental and behavioral health classifications eligible for care. The ministry also pledged to avoid using other terms deemed prejudiced by rights groups, emphasizing its commitment to respecting human dignity and providing health services within the framework of human rights.
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