Categoría: GOOD NEWS
Uplift your spirits with Good News LGBTQ! Explore heartwarming stories, achievements, and positive changes happening within the LGBTQ community. Be inspired by a world where love, equality, and diversity shine bright. Your daily dose of hope and inspiration !
La salida del armario de Brenda Biya cuestiona la homofobia de Estado en Camerún
Brenda Biya’s Coming Out Challenges State Homophobia in Cameroon Repression of Homosexuality in Cameroon Article 347 bis of the Cameroonian Penal Code provides for up [more…]
Tailandia se convierte en el primer país del Sudeste Asiático en legalizar el matrimonio homosexual
Thailand Becomes First Southeast Asian Country to Legalize Gay Marriage Historic Senate Vote On Tuesday, Thailand made history by becoming the first Southeast Asian country [more…]
Un proyecto de ley propone rebautizar una estación de metro de Nueva York en honor a Stonewall
Bill Proposes Renaming NYC Subway Station to Honor Stonewall Landmark Legislation Aims to Commemorate LGBTQ+ Rights Movement NEW YORK (AP) — In a move to [more…]
El jefe de la policía de Merseyside pide disculpas a la comunidad LGBTQ+
Merseyside Police chief apologises to LGBTQ+ community Apology in Response to Human Rights Campaign Merseyside Police has formally apologized for its historical mistreatment of the LGBTQ+ [more…]
El Desfile del Orgullo LGBTQ de Tailandia se considera un éxito popular y político
Thailand’s LGBTQ Pride Parade is seen as a popular and political success Celebrating LGBTQ+ Community with Enthusiasm Thailand began its Pride Month festivities with a [more…]
Una pareja de lesbianas japonesas obtiene el estatuto de refugiada en Canadá
A Japanese Lesbian Couple Granted Refugee Status in Canada Widespread Discrimination in Japan Last September, Canada granted refugee status to two Japanese women due to [more…]
lesbianas legendarias inspiraron un oasis culinario
legendary lesbians inspired a culinary oasis In the vast California desert, a new dining haven, Alice B., takes its cues from the legendary duo Alice [more…]
Casa del Orgullo París 2024 : Vanguardia de la inclusión en el panteón olímpico
Pride House Paris 2024 : A Vanguard for Inclusivity in the Olympic Pantheon In the panorama of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, a beacon of [more…]
La filántropa MacKenzie Scott dona más de 30 millones de dólares a organizaciones LGBTQ+ sin ánimo de lucro
Philanthropist MacKenzie Scott donates over $30 million to LGBTQ+ non-profits Over $640 Million Donated with a Focus on LGBTQ+ Organizations Philanthropist, investor in Amazon, and [more…]
Los legisladores de Maine trabajan frenéticamente para convertir el estado en un refugio trans
Maine Transgender Refuge Legislation Maine’s Novel Transgender Sanctuary Bill In Maine’s legislative landscape, a groundbreaking bill is being considered. It aims to establish Maine as [more…]