Concentración de defensores LGBTQ iraníes el 16 de septiembre : Contra los prejuicios y por el legado de Mahsa Amini
On the impending date of September 16, Iranian LGBTQ advocates ardently support global demonstrations, memorializing the tragic demise of Mahsa Amini.
Collectively, advocacy conglomerates including Simorgh, Six Colors, the Iranian Rainbow Coalition, and the Queer Rights Group, have promulgated a proclamation. They posit that the burgeoning revolutionary tide harbors the latent promise of emancipating and establishing parity for the rainbow populace within Iran’s borders. This signifies a potential cessation to eons of entrenched bias and antipathy, encompassing the nation’s LGBTQ denizens.
These groups fervently beckon both domestic and international political and societal factions to rally in opposition to the prevailing regime.
From the genesis of the Women, Life, Freedom insurrection, the Iranian LGBTQ populace has remained undeterred, delineating their aspirations for a future Iran, post the Islamic Republic epoch. Their resolute stance is evident in their unwavering engagement in both local and global demonstrations.
Notwithstanding the myriad adversities encountered by LGBTQ personas in Iran, their indomitable spirit persists. They audaciously face perils, inclusive of potential capital punishment and diverse penal repercussions, as decreed by the tenets of the Islamic Republic.
The governing echelons of Iran have, lamentably, employed pejorative nomenclature and ostracization in their discourse concerning LGBTQ denizens. They’ve been maligned as “deviant” and “afflicted”, with same-gender affinities being anathema to Islamic doctrines.
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